Support evcc 💚

With your financial contribution, we can continue to develop the project sustainably, openly, and independently. This means we do not rely on large companies and business partnerships, allowing us to advance the software in your best interests.

Sponsorship via GitHub

Our preferred method if you already have a GitHub account and a credit card. GitHub handles the processing, and there are no transaction fees. Therefore, your entire support goes directly to the project. The minimum monthly amount is $2. One-time payments are also possible.

Become a GitHub Sponsor Already a Sponsor? Get Token

Direct Sponsorship without GitHub account

You can also support us via PayPal, Apple Pay, Google Pay, credit card, or direct debit. We use Stripe as a service provider for this. Unlike GitHub sponsorship, transaction fees apply here. Therefore, we have a minimum amount of €3 per month. You will receive your token by email.

You can change or cancel your monthly sponsorship at any time in the Stripe Customer Center.

Lost or expired sponsor token?

If you have supported the project directly, you can easily resend your token via email. If you are a GitHub sponsor, please use the button at the top of the page.

Contributor Token

Can you program, write, or translate documentation? We appreciate any help! GitHub contributors who make a significant contribution to the project receive a free token.

Contact us